Machines of Transgress

experimental fashion film, 2016

Direction: Anke Schiemann
Camera: Julia Daschner
Camera assistant: Florian Baumgarten
Costumes: Emili Tikka
Model: Iveta Liska Rysava
Dancers: Junko Iwahashi, Masha Chelova
Make-up: Anna Jäger
Music: Jean Delouvroy

The Shaman has his drum, his dance, his symbols and his trance. The Shaman of the Sámi people lives in the rough landscapes of northern Lapland is more like a messenger than a priest. His garment is sacred and mirrors of his coat are protecting him on his journey. In his ecstatic rituals he is seeking for a gateway to the other side. 

In the modern laboratory scientists developed their own indigenous rituals, symbols and technologies to find answers. With microscopes and computational simulations they lay their eyes on atoms and even smaller particles. No day goes by without a new sun being dicovered, a far away sun system being found by the world’s most powerful telescopes. Aren’t these scientists our shamans, urging for transgress, seeking for symbioses?
"Machines of Transgress" is a video piece to feature futuristic costumes designed by Designer and fellow artist Emilia Tikka.

“Machines of Transgress” was presented at the BFFF, Berlin Fashion Film Festival and at Neue Heimat, Berlin.